Unity’s default coroutines have several cases where you can yield return some variable. For instance, you can “yield return asyncOperation;”. MEC has a function to do that, and that function is called WaitUntilDone.
yield return Timing.WaitUntilDone(wwwObject); yield return Timing.WaitUntilDone(asyncOperation); yield return Timing.WaitUntilDone(customYieldInstruction); // With MEC Pro you can do a little more with WaitUntilDone: yield return Timing.WaitUntilDone(newCoroutine); // The above automatically starts a new coroutine and holds the current one. yield return Timing.WaitUntilTrue(functionDelegateThatReturnsBool); yield return Timing.WaitUntilFalse(functionDelegateThatReturnsBool);